About Us


Our mission at the Al-Noor Quran Academy is to provide an accessible and convenient platform for students to learn and understand the Holy Quran with a strong emphasis on Tajweed and Tarteel. We aim to create a supportive and engaging learning environment that fosters a deep connection with the divine teachings of the Quran.

Through our expert teachers, we strive to impart the knowledge and values of the Quran to students from all backgrounds and levels of understanding. Our goal is to enable students to develop a comprehensive understanding of the Quran’s teachings, its historical context, and its relevance to contemporary issues while also emphasizing the importance of Tajweed and Tarteel.

We believe that by emphasizing the rules of Tajweed, our students can learn to recite the Quran correctly and beautifully, enhancing their spiritual experience and deepening their connection with Allah. Furthermore, we believe that by teaching Tarteel, the rhythmic and melodious recitation of the Quran, we can inspire our students to approach the Quran with awe and reverence, allowing them to benefit fully from its teachings.

At the Al-Noor Quran Academy, we are committed to ensuring that our students receive a high-quality education that meets their individual needs and learning styles. We believe that by cultivating a love for the Quran and instilling its values in our students, we can help them become responsible and ethical members of their communities and contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate world.


Our vision at the online Quran Academy is to become a leading institution of Quranic education that promotes a deep understanding and appreciation of the Quran’s teachings. We strive to create an innovative and dynamic learning environment that enables students to connect with the divine message of the Quran and apply its values to their daily lives.

Through our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, we seek to provide our students with the highest quality Quranic education that meets their individual needs and learning styles. We aspire to inspire a lifelong love for the Quran in our students and to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to become ambassadors of its teachings in their communities.

We envision a future where the online Quran Academy is recognized as a center of excellence for Quranic education, attracting students from around the world who seek to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Quran. We see ourselves playing a pivotal role in shaping a generation of informed and enlightened Muslims who embody the values of compassion, justice, and peace.

At the Al-Noor Quran Academy, we are dedicated to realizing this vision by remaining true to our values and principles, investing in our students and faculty, and fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and continuous learning.